Why should you care about FSC certified wood?

Have you ever stopped to think about where the wood you use in your home or office came from and if it was ethically sourced? Many people don’t know that there is a certification that guarantees that the wood they purchase was responsibly sourced and will help sustain the environment. This post will explain what FSC certified wood is, why it is important, how to buy it and why it is so beneficial to the environment.

What is FSC Certified Wood?

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-profit organization established in 1993 that promotes responsible management of the world's forests via timber certification. FSC Certification is a simple way to ensure your wood products are sourced from a managed forest, with environmental conservation front of mind.

The Benefits of Buying FSC Certified Wood

Forests are the lungs of this planet; inhaling carbon and exhaling oxygen. But our forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. A major cause of deforestation is the legal and illegal logging of the remaining primary forests to meet the growing need for tropical wood products. At current rates of deforestation, the remaining biodiversity-rich natural forests in South American, Asian, and African countries could disappear within a decade.

FSC certified advocates for forest through the certification program but also through their policy work. Visit the website at fsc.org to learn more about the work they do worldwide to preserve and grow forests. 

Where to Purchase FSC Certified Wood

Look for the FSC certification label on your wood products before purchasing. Or look to see if its mentioned on the sales page if you are purchasing online. All the wood used for the EAT LESS WATER water drop shape cutting boards for example are from an FSC certified source.

FSC Certification is a simple way to ensure your wood products are sourced. from a managed forest, with environmental conservation front of mind. 

 Our purchases of wood products is felt in the forests of the world

FSC certified wood is both a responsible and sustainable way to purchase wood and help reduce your environmental footprint. When buying wood, make sure it is FSC certified to ensure that it is responsibly sourced and harvested from a managed forest. Doing so will contribute to the conservation of forests and their wildlife, and it will help to promote responsible forest management practices.

 Take action 

Now that you have a better understanding of FSC certified wood, why not make the switch today? Find stores in your area that carry FSC certified wood and start supporting sustainable forestry.

Sign up for my newsletter to learn more about how you can make a positive environmental impact with your every day purchases. And support stores like Eat Less Water, who curate well-being for you and the planet.

Want even more, listen to more action tips on my podcast, HOW TO EAT LESS WATER. 

About the author:

I'm an award-winning author of EAT LESS WATER, a public speaker, and an environmental activist. I am an expert on sustainable living and water conservation solutions and have a growing line of sustainable kitchen products designed bring more joy in the kitchen-the most important room of the house to save water with the food we eat. I have appeared on television, radio, and podcasts including NPR, American Public Media, KCRW’s Good Food, New York and Bay Area Pacifica Radio, Entertainment Weekly, and CBS, KTLA Morning News.  I host the podcast HOW TO EAT LESS WATER.  Home is mostly in Oxnard, California, an agricultural town on the Pacific coast and sometimes Santa Fe, New Mexico.